Listening to Abby Johnson, author of unPlanned...come listen in with me right now!!!
Event: August 23 9 PM Eastern
Catholic Schoolhouse at Home
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Word for Word: The NEW Roman Missal
Life Teen has come out with great videos to explain the difference between the Missal we've used in the last 40 years with the new one coming out in November...I'm posting two of their videos, one for parents and the second for teens. They are great! Enjoy!
For Parents:
Word for Word [Parents] from Life Teen on Vimeo.
For Teens:
Word for Word [Edge] from Life Teen on Vimeo.
I hope you liked them as much as we did! Blessings! :)
"Why are the words of the Catholic Mass changing? Fr. John Muir confronts the misconceptions about the changes with truth and clarity. Fr. John helps parents understand the recent history behind the newest 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal and how it grows from the 1st and 2nd editions. Fr. John compares the “dynamic equivalent” and the “formal equivalent” of how we translate words from Latin to English, and then explains the elaborate process used to create the new Roman Missal. Finally, Fr. John encourages us to rediscover the meaning behind the words and we use at Mass and how we can help our children through this transition."
For Parents:
Word for Word [Parents] from Life Teen on Vimeo.
For Teens:
Word for Word [Edge] from Life Teen on Vimeo.
I hope you liked them as much as we did! Blessings! :)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
That Resource Site: $50 Gift Card Giveaway
Hey guess what? That Resource Site is giving away a $50 Amazon gift card, so hop on over and join in the fun and who knows maybe you'll win it! :) Here's the link:
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
40 Days for Priests : Prayers & Devotions for a Holy Catholic Priesthood: Prayers to Obtain from God the Sanctification of t...
40 Days for Priests : Prayers & Devotions for a Holy Catholic Priesthood: Prayers to Obtain from God the Sanctification of t...: "Jesus, Savior of the world, sanctify Thy priests and sacred ministers. Iesu, Salvator mundi, sanctifica sacerdotes et levitas tuos. ~~~~~..."
Thursday, August 4, 2011
40 Days for Priests First Campaign - Join us!
Heard of 40 days for Life? Here is another wonderful campaign, with a twist: We introduce you 40 Days for Priests! Join us as we participate in this campaign to pray for our priests!
Make sure you spread the word and share this! Thank you! :)
Who is the salvation of humanity? Jesus Christ. How did He create the means to achieve salvation? The Sacraments of His Church. Who offers us the means of these Sacraments? His priests!
Everyone has seen in their lives, and parishes, and in their families, the increase in the stress on Catholic priests, and the simultaneous attack on the priesthood in general.
The Priesthood is at the core of our Faith. Our priests sanctify, preach, and lead in their threefold office of Priest, Prophet and King. Jesus uses them to forgive our sins through the power of Confession. They give us the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. They Baptize us, and our children. They often Confirm us in the Faith, and they are there for us in our last moments, with Extreme Unction aka Anointing of the Sick. Lastly, they make new priests by Ordination, by the hands of the Apostles, our bishops, the fullness of Priesthood.
The Priesthood gives to us all the means of our santification, and it is often a thankless job, or stressful job even when thankful. Let us list some of the ways priests suffer now:
- Being overworked, spread too thin, or stressed from the demands.
- False allegations.
- Weakness in true allegations.
- Lack of support from parishioners or even fellow priests.
- Firm faith and preaching causes isolation.
- Empathy for disenfranchised groups causes isolation.
- Depression and loneliness.
- Temptations of the world around them.
- Alcoholism or drug dependency.
- Derision from non-Catholics.
- Derision from Catholics.
- Lack of trust on the part of laity or the public because of scandals.
- Normal human temptations.
- Fear of persecution for speaking up on cultural issues.
- Poor formation or lack of continuing formation.
- ... and the list goes on and on.
Compelled by a desire to doing something more productive than spend time on Facebook, we envisioned and put into place in three short days the 40 Days for Priests. There is no set time for this devotion. There are no set prayers for this devotion, though we offer have, and are adding, a wide variety of prayers for priests. See the labels section for kinds of prayers in the right hand column on the blog.
So please, choose a devotion, and begin 40 days of prayer for the priests that YOU know, and for all priests, bishops, deacons and seminarians. We have priests ask us to pray for them all the time. Respond to the call by forsaking time spent on Facebook or other things, and make a 40 day devotion for the sanctification of the clergy. God will reward you in many, MANY ways for your faith in His Church, and His priests!
God bless you, and all you pray for!
"The witness of a priestly life well lived brings nobility to the Church, calls forth admiration among the faithful, and is a source of blessings for the community; it is the best way to promote vocations, the most authentic invitation to other young people to respond positively to the Lord's call. It is true collaboration in building the Kingdom of God!"—Pope Benedict XVI, Meeting with clergy and religious in Aparecida, Brazil, May 12, 2007
Please visit our blog for prayers and updates, thank you:
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
A Catholic Preschool Curriculum - Introduction and a Giveaway {Catholic Icing}
Homeschoolers, looking for a great Catholic Preschool Curriculum for your little one? Lacy has come out with a book she is selling just in time for the new school year. What's more, she is hosting a giveaway, that's right! Two blessed mommies, will get a chance to win her new book! :) Here's some info:
"This Catholic preschool curriculum is hands on all the way! From the unit studies, to learning the alphabet, to crafting, singing, and counting- this book strives to make learning (and teaching) fun! Hey, why shouldn't it be fun?
I designed the book to engage visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. The activities in this book help develop gross and fine motor skills. I believe that children learn best when they have multiple senses engaged, and when they have meaningful experiences that they can connect with. This book definitely helps you create these kind of experiences with your preschoolers.Catholic ABC's has 26 lessons that are based on the letters of the alphabet. They're meant to be used weekly. Each lesson includes a craft, bible verse, saint of the week, full color visual aid (usually in the form of beautiful artwork from the masters), and many lessons also include a bonus activity. The 5 unit studies follow the liturgical year and have directions for making unique learning tools to teach the story, and again, make it fun! The unit studies also teach the kids counting and numbers, and they all include a fun learning song.
Unit Studies:
- Ordinary Time 1 - Creation
- Advent/Christmas - Nativity
- Ordinary Time 2 - 12 Apostles
- Lent - Stations of the Cross
- Easter - He is Risen!
Ready to try to win one for your homeschool?
Hop on over to Catholic Icing!
Hop on over to Catholic Icing!