Catholic Schoolhouse at Home

Our Homeschool Curriculum

As our shell we are primarily using Catholic Schoolhouse because we love that they are a Catholic Classical Approach to education.  We will continue using Our Lady of Victory School's Religion books because of the same reason we have always loved their books: their Traditional Latin Mass focused, love the reprints of old Catholic School books, and also the use of trade books along with textbooks, giving it a more Liberal Arts approach.  As you will see, we do not solely use CSH as we change it up a bit as needed.  Here is our current Curriculum (2015-2016):

 As we enter our Seventh year of home education, I am finally feeling pretty good about all of our curriculum selections for our children.  We will have a first grader, second grader, fourth grader, fifth grader and a high school senior.  I don’t promise this won’t change one more time, because it might, and it’s okay.  Our High School senior will continue to use OLVS as well as introducing some online courses this year. But as of now, this is our 2015-2016 curriculum selection:

Grade 5:

Grade 4:

Grade 2:

Grade 1: 

Language Arts: Grammar
Grade 5: 

Grade 4:

Grade 2:

Grade 1:

Language Arts: Writing Composition
Grade 5:

Grade 4:

Grade 2:

Grade 1:

Language Arts: Spelling
Grade 5:

Grade 4:

Grade 2:

Grade 1:

Language Arts: Handwriting
Grade 5: 
Catechism in Rhyme: The Ten Commandments

Grade 4:
Catechism in Rhyme: The Ten Commandments

Grade 2:
Catechism in Rhyme: The Ten Commandments

Grade 1:
Catechism in Rhyme: The Ten Commandments

Grade 5:

Grade 4:

Grade 2:

Grade 1: 

Grade 5:

Grade 4:

Grade 2: 

Grade 1: 


Grades 1-5 ~ Follow the Catholic Schoolhouse
History Tour GUIDE


Grades 1-5 ~ Follow the Catholic Schoolhouse Science program: Science Guide

ART {Daily}

Grades 1-5 ~ Follow the Catholic Schoolhouse Art program: Ancient through Medieval Art


All Children: 

Spanish {Bi-Weekly}

Grades 1 & 2: Coquito Clasico (Zapata-Santillana)
Grades 4 & 5: Spanish with Grace


My one high schooler will be in his last year of homeschooling.  He started when he entered the sixth grade.  This is it!  I’m excited for this last chance to teach him.  This is our line up for him:




English Composition

Want some tips on selecting curriculum?  Read my article on Catholic Sistas entitled 10 Steps to Selecting a {Catholic} Curriculum.

Other Curriculum Choices: