Catholic Schoolhouse at Home

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Father Corapi on Sharing our Faith to Others

I had this conversation with a friend of mine (whom I love very much) the other day....but Father Corapi puts it very well here...Sharing our Faith with others: be not afraid!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Be a Man: Father Larry Richards

My beloved and our great friend went to a Men's Conference yesterday with our Bishop. They had an amazing day (the Bishop was with them most of the day) consisted of talks, Confession, eating, and sharing....the speaker that stood out the most was Father Larry Richards. He was able to find a video of a conference he did in Boston and we wanted to share it with our RLS readers:


Catholic Music Share: "I Humbly Come" by Bill Brown

If you liked this song, please click on "Votar" to vote for will be helping this song "I Humbly Come" get selected for World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid! You can also click here and 'like' / leave comments!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Montessori Homeschooling Help: A Friendly Environment

I found this site that helps you set up a Homeschool that is Montessori friendly, take a look at their site: Teach Montessori at Home.


BlogShare: That Resource Site

I can't recall if we've ever shared Catholic Mama Kalei's blog and website: That Resource Site and Blog...just in case we haven't (and even if it's a reminder) you might want to check them out...they have TONS of great things for your Catholic homeschool:


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feast Day Alert: The Seven Founders of the Order of the Servites

Though the new calendar considers this an optional Feast, I simply am drawn to the Feasts of really old and traditional saints that draw us back to the richness of our Catholic Faith. I was a little disappointed that it was not even mentioned today at Mass...but I guess that's why it's optional so I wanted to mention it is The Seven Founders of the Order of the Servites:
