Catholic Schoolhouse at Home

Friday, October 14, 2011

Preschool Toys to the Rescue!

I've recently had four out of our five kids sick this week, it lasted only 48 hours (thank God) but during this time the kids needed something to do that didn't require vegging out on the couch watching TV the whole time.  This is when I love to run down to our smelling old basement and dig out our preschool supplies including several old toys the kids have not seen in a while.  Theses preschool toys are always so welcomed by my kids for some reason, even my 6.5 year old loves playing with them and remembering times when he "was little" and played with them.  He and our five year old also loves to teach their two little brothers ages three and 18 months how to play with these toys.  Their favorite preschool supplies has got to be the variety of blocks we have in several different sizes.  Their giant blocks has got to be their favorite because they can build so many things with them including forts and castles and do pretend play as well as model building (like cars and trucks and airplanes).  These items are some of the ones I dare not get rid of...I love recycling their old toys anyway and watching them react with such enthusiasm as if they were brand new!  Yay to preschool toys to the rescue!

Hope your kids are healthier than mine!

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