Catholic Schoolhouse at Home

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Guest Post: Homeschooling with Boys

Are you homeschooling?

Do you have boys?

Are you homeschooling boys?

I had a conversation recently with a friend who is homeschooling her 6 year-old son.  We were talking about different curriculum options and she was looking for my opinion - which I am always happy to give, sometimes even if I'm not asked!  My oldest is only 9 years-old so I am certainly no expert, but these are a few things that have worked for us.  My 9-year-old and 7-year-old are as different as night and day, yet these suggestions have worked for both of them.

1.  Have him answer questions orally instead of requiring writing.

2.  Use oral narration to check for comprehension.  When you read something interesting isn't it fun to share the information with someone?  I don't think I have ever said "wow, this is fascinating.  I can't wait to answer the questions at the end of the section!"  At dinner Dad is usually the recipient of the fun facts from the day.

3.  Don't be a slave to the curriculum - use what works.  You really don't have to finish a workbook or 
do every single page.  It's okay to drop something for a few weeks and come back to it at a later date.

4.  Let them keep their hands busy with legos or blocks while you read.

5.  Play games.  I need to do more of this, but playing games teach a whole host of things, such as counting, taking turns, and good sportsmanship.  Plus it's fun!

6.  Ask your son what he is interested in learning about.  Of course in life there are many things that we do simply because they must be done, whether we like them or not.  Laundry, cleaning toilets, changing sheets on a bunk bed are a few that I can think of, but we still have plenty of time to learn about things we are truly interested in.  Boys they are usually interested in things like snakes, frogs, trucks, trains, or sports.  A whole lot of learning can occur while delving into these interesting topics.

7.  Whatever you do keep it short and sweet.  Short lessons with lots of in between time for moving around, chores, outside time, or whatever is necessary.  Boys need to move and it makes learning time much more productive.

All of these suggestions can be used with girls too!  None of these are anything new or earth-shattering, but they really can make learning more enjoyable for the whole family.

~ Mama Jen

Jen is a wife to one amazing husband and mom to six energetic kids.  Visit Forever, For Always, No Matter What where she blogs about their Catholic faith, homeschooling and adoption.


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