Catholic Schoolhouse at Home

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Schooling on the Road: Making our Move Educational

Cor Iesu Academy is moving!  We are physically moving from the South to the North East!  We will be saying our good-byes to North Carolina next Monday and hello to Pennsylvania by Wednesday.  In those three short days we are going to travel through Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland!  So in three days we would have been in five different states!  How awesome is that?

In preparation for this journey, I asked some Facebook friends on various groups such as Catholic Homeschoolers, Mustard Seed Catholic Moms, and, of course, Raising Little Saints for some great ideas!  I thought I'd share with everyone since they really were so fantastic.  Some of the great ideas we won't be able to do this time because of time constraints with getting into our new home and starting to set up just in time for Todd to start his wonderful new job.

So the to ideas.  I'm creating lapbook/folders per child (yep even the 22 month old, so he doesn't feel left out) with the following printables:

1.  Map of the entire USA with Postal abbreviations (on this one I plan to have them color in all the states we have traveled through since moving out of Florida back in 2008):

My friend, Heather, suggested this for my 3 year old and the 22m: "I would highly consider making a "Dora" type map showing them the stopping points that you will go to. Have one of the older kids help them navigate it. This was a huge hit when my son was in that age bracket. Your 5 year old might enjoy it too."  (I'm working on these for the little ones, thanks my friend!
2.  Fun Facts of each state (these maps which I found on - thanks to Cristina! - have the state flower, state insect, when statehood occurred, state capital, bird, and the flag with details on how to color it):

3.  Create a Travel "Passport" for the journey. (I made this into a Google Document to share with you). It was easy to create using MicroSoft Publisher, all images are from there.)  Feel free to recreate for your use.  :)

4.  Scrapbook Collecting: We plan to scrapbook the trip. Each kid has a shoe box to collect free maps/pamplets at rest stops. Also in their shoe box is a pen, scissors, glue stick, slips of paper for descriptions & mini-photo album. They can use this as a springboard for their journal or collect leaves, map their journey, ticket stubs, etc. Since we are crossing state borders, we are going to stop at the informational point as you leave YOUR state (for memorabilia - a last map, etc) and then at each new state as you enter. You can get great info about the state there and often free booklets on local attractions, etc. Also doing "I-Spy" picture taking of signs. {Thanks Jennifer for this great idea!)

That's it!  For now at least.  As I keep packing, I'm sure I'll think of more ideas.  :)  If you have more ideas for me, please fell free to leave a comment.  If you loved these ideas, also tell me how much you liked them or if you can think of another way to do it, please share!  Thanks for looking.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lent Day One: Unplugged Living

Lent Day One: Unplugged Living

Our family is in the middle of packing for a big move across three states North of us so when I thought of what creative things to plan for Lent I fell a little short.  Then I remembered that one of my favorite Catholic authors, Donna Marie Cooper-O'Boyle had released a new book for Lent!  Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa: Prayers, Reflections and Activities for Families is now a permanent fixture in my purse (since we are on the move)!

Today was our first day.  Todd and I decided we were going to do this first thing in the morning, everyone gathered around and we began.  In just two short pages, we prayed, we argued, we discussed, came to terms, and found workable solutions for things that our children individually and all of us, as a family, would do for Ash Wednesday.  We agreed (with a little kicking and screaming from the two eldest) that unplugging for the whole day would be the family sacrifice.  Then each person spoke about what they each would do individually.  It was amazing!  My seven year old looked at me as if I had lost my mind: "No computers and NO TV?  Mom what are we supposed to do with our spare time?," he asked bewildered.  "I don't know you tell me, what are some suggestions for your brother?," I questioned the rest of the children.  READ!  TALK!  PLAY BOARD GAMES!  DANCE!  PLAY!  GO FOR A WALK!  ~ a wave of suggestions crashed into the room!  Smiles filled some of the faces of our five children, the others full of doubt that they could actually "survive" one day UNPLUGGED!  I ended with suggesting that each time they felt like "plugging up" that they say a prayer of thanksgiving for all of the sacrifices Christ made for them on the Cross!  My teenager shoots me a look that says, "Yeah right mom! Come on!"  I just smiled!

And the day has started!  We started our day with prayer, not rushing to get breakfast on the table, or to start school, or any of the usuals - "FIRST victory!", I thought to myself!

Next, as I prepared breakfast I announced that it was time to get ready for the day while breakfast was being made.  This, is not anything new in our house, what SHOULD usually happen...what was different?  They were all working on today's task: being better listeners, so they RAN to get ready.  I looked over at Todd and said, I think I like this book!

Breakfast was not an issue, everyone prayed and ate without a fuss and the rest of the day was filled with similar reactions.  We went to Mass, ran some errands, came back home, had some cheese pizza, no dessert, played some games that had lots of dust on them from sitting on a shelf, and we even danced a little, laughed a lot!

I am happy to announce that we all made it!  Yep, we survived one, whole, day:  Unplugged!  :D

I think I like this book...and unplugged living, well maybe a little (I know I'm blogging but I HAD to tell you about this amazing book!)

Oh and did I mention the book was ONLY $2.50 - yep, love it!   :D


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Catholic Blog Day February 22nd: Penance

Raising {& Teaching} Little Saints is joining the Catholic Bloggers Network
we they participate in the first ever:

Wednesday, February 22 (Ash Wednesday)
will be the first Catholic Blog Day!

All Catholic bloggers are invited to write on a common theme for the day. By speaking with many voices on a common aspect of the faith, we can help evangelize the digital continent and demonstrate the powerful presence of Catholics online.

The theme is: penance.  ...You can write about prayer, fasting, and almsgiving; a memorable experience in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation; or how accepting the call to repentance has made a difference in your life.

A running list of Catholic Blog Days posts will be available at Catholic Blog sure to check it out and submit a link to your Catholic post!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

When Does Life Begin?


The Virginia House approves bill: 

Life begins at conception!

Yes you read that correctly. 

"The Republican-led Virginia House of Delegates passed a bill today, by a vote of 66 to 32, which states that unborn children “at every stage of development,” that is, from the moment of conception, are considered persons – although the sponsor of the bill says it will not directly affect abortion access in the state." ~ Thaddeus Baklinski of
Similar personhood legislation introduced by delegate who introduced it, Robert G. Marshall (R-Prince William), in 2007. Then it failed to pass in the House. But he doesn't give up! In 2011 the bill passed in the House but was quashed by the pro-abortion Democrats in the Senate.

The bill, entitled HB 1 states that: “unborn children at every stage of development enjoy all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of the commonwealth, subject only to the laws and constitutions of Virginia and the United States, precedents of the United States Supreme Court, and provisions to the contrary in the statutes of the commonwealth.”

I'm so happy for the state of Virginia!  But it doesn't end there....the bill now heads to the Virginia Senate where it reportedly faces a more difficult battle. Please keep them in your prayers! :)

The full text of Bill HB 1 is available here.

Please show this brave man your support::

Delegate Robert G. Marshall
General Assembly Building
P.O. Box 406
Richmond, Virginia 23218
Phone: (804) 698-1013
Fax: (804) 698-6713

So you know what the usual liberal agenda is going to say about this right? Yeah, you know...I don't need to waster internet space on that. I don't even bother looking at their comments anymore, it's the same illogical comments or hateful ones as well. I did however come across an image on Facebook that well, it was, well, see for yourself:

I have no idea where this picture is from or who created it, I only see the name OzzyAmos in the bottom right corner, so I'm assuming it's a guy. Notice that the poster only shows fetal development through the first week or so? They don't show an embryo at three weeks... when the heart is already beating. They've now sunk to, "well, if we kill it right away it isn't a person... even though it has unique DNA from conception." Pathetic.

Here's a BETTER, a more scientific, approach to this basic Biological issue:

Protect the unborn!  If you have trouble with this and still think it's a "blob" just think for a moment of the Eagle or a Sea Turtle egg.  There is a possibility of a bird or a turtle coming out of that egg, you can't see it with your bare eyes, well if you put it up to a light you can (kinda like an ultrasound), you will see the fetus forming.  A human can only be a human, nothing else.  Are you a visual learner like me?  Here:

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Simple "Recipe" for Spiritual Happiness

Do you feel like everything you plan just doesn't work out?  Looking around and seeing so many people moving forward in life in so many levels but you feel like you're stuck in neutral?  Do you sometimes feel like you pray, and pray, and pray and maybe God is not listening?  Do you feel like He is punishing you for something you have done in the past?  Do you feel spiritually dry?

We've been there and felt that way.  The economy is so bad, so many people out of work, it can get a bit depressing.  But looking back, I remember specific things we did to get out of this and move forward WITH God!  Here is a recipe that worked for us. (DH was laid off 5 times in less than 4 years, so imagine).

Click on picture above
to read this wonderful book!
1. Give all your worries and finances over to God. Trust the HE will provide for you, not you, not your DH.

2. Trust in God's will for you. Say, "I would love this Lord but I want your Will to be Done not mine."  (I know this is easier said than done but trust me one you really do ask God for His will not yours, the graces start to fall because you trust the Lord.)  The BEST thing that happened to me was coming across a book by Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri entitled, "Uniformity with God's Will."  And if you click on the picture there >>>  you have FREE access to the book :)

3. Go to Confession and Mass as often as possible.

4. Keep on praying even if you don't feel like it.

5. Get your kids to pray for your situation, teach them to say, "Lord let your will be done for our family." Pray the Rosary as a family.

6. If you can, have your home blessed at least once a year and have your home Consecrated to the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts.

7. Say the Old St. Joseph Novena daily until the perfect job comes.

Saint Joseph, I, your unworthy child, greet you. You are the faithful protector and intercessor of all who love and venerate you. You know that I have special confidence in you and that, after Jesus and Mary, I place all my hope of salvation in you, for you are especially powerful with God and will never abandon your faithful servants. Therefore I humbly invoke you and commend myself, with all who are dear to me and all that belong to me, to your intercession. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, not to abandon me during life and to assist me at the hour of my death.

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin, obtain for me a pure, humble, charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the divine Will. Be my guide, my father, and my model through life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary.

Loving Saint Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, I raise my heart to you to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the Divine Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special grace I now implore:

(Mention your request & don't forget to ask for God's will to be done with your family!)

Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel confident that your prayers in my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God.  Amen.

8. Don't be shy to ask family, friends, and even strangers for prayers. (SUPER IMPORTANT)

9. Be thankful for every. little. tiny. thing you have. I was even thankful we had running water, no kidding.

10. Accept the answer God gives you with grace and a smile on your face, sometimes the answer is NO, and not necessarily an unanswered prayer.

It is my hopes in sharing this (and this really is the "recipe" my family used to get out of this cycle) it might help you or someone you know.  God is there the whole time, in the good times and the bad times.

Please leave me a message asking for prayers as I will be praying for you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christians: The Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World, Part 2

Part 1

Why Are Our Elites Silent?
Mr. A. M. Rosenthal of The New York Times unfortunately is dead and cannot explain to us why Christians are being killed with impunity and many of our elites, particularly in the media, remain silent about the "ethnocide" of Christians taking place in Islamic countries. And yet it must be made clear that fortunately not all Muslims are involved.  However, perhaps some reasons can be offered for this silence:
  • American elites, especially those in academia and in the media, are engaged in a war to extinguish Christianity from the “public square” in the United States, and to spread anti-Christian and eugenic practices worldwide, and therefore have very little sympathy for Christians suffering persecution.
  • American businesses and foreign policy leaders need the support of some Islamic countries to have their interests succeed in the Muslim world, and they find the protection of Christians to be a distraction and an embarrassing point in their diplomatic discussions with Islamic states, and so they abandon the Christians.
  • Americans have an infatuation with the United Nations and want to work with it to achieve their goals, but the biggest voting bloc in this organization is the Islamic Conference (53 countries), whose objective is to promote Islam throughout the world, so no policy to help the Christians will pass these United Nations, even though the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN advocates religious freedom. 
  • The Islamic Conference bloc of Muslim countries has even rejected the right which appeared in the original Universal Declaration of Human Rights for people, including Muslims, to change their religion.
  • Christians, for the most part, have totally abandoned their brothers and sisters in the faith through their ignorance, sloth, indifference and fear, and their loss of Christian identity and solidarity, among other factors.
  • There might be good people among our political leadership and even in the United Nations trying to help the persecuted, but the obstacles they face are very difficult and they tend to be isolated.
How Can Christians Be Protected?
Christians need to hurry and find ways of helping persecuted Christians in Africa and Asia before they disappear like they did from many areas which were Christian before they turned Islamic by the “sword”, by excessive taxation, by forced conversion, by religious discrimination, and by unwanted emigration.
The proposals to help Christians must avoid negative unintended consequences for “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”.  Whatever is implemented to help persecuted Christians must not make their lives more difficult.  The following includes some ideas for discussion:
  • Immediate suspension of immigration from Islamic countries whose governments either engage in religious discrimination and violence, or permit their people to engage in these activities.
  • End of American financial assistance to any Islamic country which does not permit religious freedom.
  • Termination of all American military nation-building activities in the Islamic world, which have, for whatever reasons, led to so many deaths, financial debt, the rise of governments which deny religious freedom, and have put the Christians at risk, such as in Egypt, in Iraq, in Lebanon, and in Pakistan, among other places.
  • Creation of a temporary “wall of separation” between the Muslim world and the United States, until Muslims themselves have been able to reform Islam, so that it can permit both democracy and freedom, especially freedom of religion which is the most important civil liberty, and until much of Islam ceases to be a political movement in search of political power to control everyone.
  • American energy independence from the Muslim world so that our governments do not have to get involved with dysfunctional countries in that region, and the Christians can survive “under the radar”.
  • Increase in immigration to the United States of Christians persecuted by Muslims, and of a limited number of Muslims persecuted for advocating religious freedom and non-political Islam.
  • Awareness by Americans that many Muslims want to enter the United States not to make Islam equal in rights to other religions but to make it the dominant faith, as they have done in their countries of origin.
  • Donations to organizations which help Christians in need worldwide.
Christians are being discriminated, persecuted and murdered like no other group in the world.  Our elites do not care.  Even fellow Christians have failed to come to the rescue of these desperate people.  A partial reason is that Christians in the West have lost much of their Christian identity and a sense of the Mystical Body of Christ which is the Church. 
The time has come to help/ our fellow Christians worldwide.  This effort will have miraculous powers as it revives in us what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, which requires us to come to the help of our neighbor.  This battle involves also helping those non-Christians who are being persecuted.
The world mobilized to help South Africans get rid of racial apartheid practiced against blacks.  Many supported helping Russian Jews leave the oppressive Soviet Union.  And the United States has also gone to the rescue of Muslims in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Kuwait, and Serbia, among other places.
How about the Christians?

About the Guest BloggerDr.Germán Muñoz was born in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, on July 13, 1950. He attended the Jesuit Colegio Dolores. Upon emigrating to the United States, he studied at the Salesian orphanage Mary Help of Christians School in Tampa, Florida, and at the Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School in Miami, Florida. Dr. Muñoz earned a B.S. in Psychology at the Jesuit Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama, a Masters of Arts in International Relations, and a Doctorate in Political History at the University of Miami, Coral Gables in May 1981.
          He is the producer of the award-winning Social Science Lecture Series, of the Faculty Forum and of The Public Affairs Forum. He is the author of Background Lessons on Global Affairs (1997), of The Social Environment: A Primer on World Civics, 11th Edition, 2008, and International Relations: a Primer on Global Affairs (2004).          Dr. Germán Muñoz is the recipient of the following awards: “John Barret Prize for Best Dissertation on Hispanic and Latin American Affairs,”, “Excellence in Curriculum and Instruction Award,” 1987, by the Florida Association of Community Colleges, “The Times Teaching Excellence Award,” 1990, by the National-American Association of Community Colleges, “The Reverend Glen C. James Endowed Teaching Chair,” 1992-1994, “The Award for Outstanding Community College Chairs Who Encourage Teaching Excellence,” 1993, by the National Community College Academy, “The David Pierce Department Chair Quality Leadership Award,” 1995, “The National Initiative for Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness,” by North Carolina State University, “The First Union Endowed Teaching Chair,” 1996-1998,  “The Excellence in the Social Sciences Award 1854-2004”, by Belen Jesuit Preparatory in 2004, The Collinfontanum Award for Professional Achievement 1831-2006, by Spring Hill College in 2006.            Dr. Germàn Muñoz has served in the following boards: St. Kevin’s Catholic School Advisory Board; Miami Archbishop John C. Favalora’s Board of Catholic Education; the Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc., and the Socio-Economic Development Council of Miami Dade County.              Dr. German Muñoz worked at Miami Dade College, the largest college in the United States, from August 1976 through August 2011. He was the Chairperson of the Department of Social Sciences from 1983-2011. Dr. Muñoz retired on August 2011 due to ALS. The College awarded him Professor Emeritus status and has created the Dr. German Muñoz endowed teaching chair.
Contact Dr. Muñoz:  Via E-Mail  or on the Web

Reposted with permission given to Raising {& Teaching} Little Saints.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Search for the Perfect Valentine!

Valentine's Day is a very special day for me and not for the reasons you might think. Around midnight, 14 years ago today, I could not sleep...see what seemed an eternity (which was only a short nine months) had finally arrived! Although I was a newbie at this then, I knew it was THE time. I waited it out all night, trying to rest as much as possible in anticipation for the next day. I remember praying a lot that night, asking God to keep us safe.

At Noon, on our due date (and Valentine's Day) I gave birth to the most perfect baby boy in the whole world! Thank you son for making me the happiest person ever! My world stopped and changed completely on this day! I thank God everyday of my life that I have you here to call you my son. I love you! You make me so proud in all you do! May the Lord continue to bless you always! Te quiero mucho, mi Nene lindo!

Happy Birthday, Guillermo!

Since he was born on Valentine's Day, the nurses suggested naming him Valentino.  I had other plans for his name, he was named after family members instead but his connection to St. Valentine would always remain.  My Valentine's Day, 14 years ago, changed my life forever.  As my search for the perfect Valentine had ended and I had become a mom, the greatest love on Earth, to hold your child in your arms.

So what about the REAL St. Valentine's?  A friend posted this beautiful short video of the REAL deal, enjoy!:

Happy Saint Valentine's Day, dear friends!

Christians: The Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World, Part 1

Freedom of Worship Is Not Freedom of Religion 
Being a Christian, in my case a Catholic, has been a wonderful gift.  This is why it was a nightmare when the communist government of Cuba began to discriminate, persecute and murder Christians.

The regime even banned Christmas and kicked out of the island most of the Cuban priests and religious.  Catholic schools and seminaries were closed. Christians attending religious services were discriminated in jobs, professions, and other categories.

Many Cubans died by firing squads, shouting “Long Lives Christ the King”.  This type of violence against religious people is a characteristic of Communism, which has been manifested in many places, including France, Russia, China, Mexico, Vietnam, and North Korea, among other countries.
As a result of experiencing persecution for being Christian, religious freedom has become the most important civil liberty for many of us. However, this is not to be confused with freedom of religious worship, that is, the right to attend religious services only inside churches.

In other words, we want instead freedom of religion, the right to express our faith not only inside our religious buildings, but also throughout the entire society. Christians and others deserve the freedom to live their faith everywhere, including in the streets, in the media, in the schools and in the political life.

Many dictatorships and the corrupt United Nations are trying to substitute freedom of religion with freedom of worship.  This will prevent people from practicing their faith in the "public square".  It is another way for tyrants to control their people.

The Persecution of Christians in Islamic Countries
The writings of A. M. Rosenthal, a Jew, former editor of The New York Times, and an incisive writer, caught our attention many years ago when he scolded his fellow journalists in the United States for failing to write about the attacks and murders of Christians all over the world.
Unfortunately, the lack of coverage by the media of the war against Christianity is now even worse.  Presently, the persecution is worse in those Islamic countries which use a literal interpretation of the Koran.  They implement the last declarations of Mohammad which forbid religious freedom and urge the humiliation and the fighting against the Christians (Koran 9:29).

This view also is against Muslims making friends with the Christians.  Several articles on Islam documenting these assertions can be found at my blog Dr. German Munoz dot com.

For these reasons, the discrimination, persecution and murder of Christians are taking place even in countries and areas which are considered democratic because they have had some type of elections recently with American help:
  • Afghanistan
  • Gaza
  • Egypt
  • Iraq
  • Northern Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Turkey
  • Others
The persecution against Christians takes many forms depending on the country being considered, but they include the following actions:
  • Outright murder.
  • Threatening Christian girls with rape so that they convert to Islam.
  • Destruction of churches and the legal impediment to repair them.
  • Imposition of blasphemy laws which make it illegal to criticize Islam, and can lead to the death of the accused.
  • Arrest for holding religious services in private and public places.
  • Impossibility of creating religious monasteries and seminaries to train priests and religious.
Democracy is not Freedom
The United States and other liberal democracies share some responsibility for the plight of the Christians.  They have promoted the insane notion that you could develop democracy in an Islamic country before building the institutions for freedom which are essential to protect religious minorities.  It is as if elections were a magic which by itself could bring freedom and security.

For example, allowing voting among people of a culture that does not believe in tolerance and respect for the rights of ethnic, political and religious minorities leads to tyranny and to violence against them.  Democracy is not freedom.  

Therefore, developing such civil liberties as religious freedom, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom to organize politically, freedom from arbitrary arrest, and so on, should have preceded so-called democratic elections in Islamic states.

For instance, recent popular unrest overthrew the government of Egypt and elections have taken place.  And yet, 88 per cent of Egyptians support the killing of Muslims who convert to Christianity.  While these people might know how to vote, they are still unable to understand tolerance and the freedom of religion which should permit everyone to choose their own faith without losing their lives.

This madness of confusing democracy with freedom is also demonstrated by the countries of Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries created with the bloody sacrifice of many Americans, mostly Christians. And yet, they are both grounded on Islamic law which does not accept religious freedom.  Christians are currently being murdered in both countries and the governments are not providing protection to them.

Part II

About the Guest BloggerDr.Germán Muñoz was born in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, on July 13, 1950. He attended the Jesuit Colegio Dolores. Upon emigrating to the United States, he studied at the Salesian orphanage Mary Help of Christians School in Tampa, Florida, and at the Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School in Miami, Florida. Dr. Muñoz earned a B.S. in Psychology at the Jesuit Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama, a Masters of Arts in International Relations, and a Doctorate in Political History at the University of Miami, Coral Gables in May 1981.
          He is the producer of the award-winning Social Science Lecture Series, of the Faculty Forum and of The Public Affairs Forum. He is the author of Background Lessons on Global Affairs (1997), of The Social Environment: A Primer on World Civics, 11th Edition, 2008, and International Relations: a Primer on Global Affairs (2004).          Dr. Germán Muñoz is the recipient of the following awards: “John Barret Prize for Best Dissertation on Hispanic and Latin American Affairs,”, “Excellence in Curriculum and Instruction Award,” 1987, by the Florida Association of Community Colleges, “The Times Teaching Excellence Award,” 1990, by the National-American Association of Community Colleges, “The Reverend Glen C. James Endowed Teaching Chair,” 1992-1994, “The Award for Outstanding Community College Chairs Who Encourage Teaching Excellence,” 1993, by the National Community College Academy, “The David Pierce Department Chair Quality Leadership Award,” 1995, “The National Initiative for Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness,” by North Carolina State University, “The First Union Endowed Teaching Chair,” 1996-1998,  “The Excellence in the Social Sciences Award 1854-2004”, by Belen Jesuit Preparatory in 2004, The Collinfontanum Award for Professional Achievement 1831-2006, by Spring Hill College in 2006.            Dr. Germàn Muñoz has served in the following boards: St. Kevin’s Catholic School Advisory Board; Miami Archbishop John C. Favalora’s Board of Catholic Education; the Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc., and the Socio-Economic Development Council of Miami Dade County.              Dr. German Muñoz worked at Miami Dade College, the largest college in the United States, from August 1976 through August 2011. He was the Chairperson of the Department of Social Sciences from 1983-2011. Dr. Muñoz retired on August 2011 due to ALS. The College awarded him Professor Emeritus status and has created the Dr. German Muñoz endowed teaching chair.
Contact Dr. Muñoz:  Via E-Mail  or on the Web

Reposted with permission given to Raising {& Teaching} Little Saints.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hands off my body!

I've told you before, I am pro-choice.  

"Let's get one thing clear about the debate. NO ONE has the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. "Hands off my body" is the rule we need to operate on when it comes to the health and well-being of every living woman. She gets to choose medical procedures for her own body."

I just ask one thing, if you KNOW scientifically a unique Human's DNA is created at conception (this potential baby already has predetermined hair color, eye color, features, etc.), and then at only 22 days after conception his/her heart starts beating, BEFORE most women even know they are pregnant!
  • At week three you see eyes and ears. 
  • Week 6, fingers and toes. 
  • Week 7: Baby's head develops. 
  • Week 8: Baby's eyes are visible. 
  • Week 9: Baby's toes form. 
  • Week 10: Baby's neck begins to develop 
  • By week 11 she/he can smile and frown AND genitals develop. YEP as early as week 11 (about 2 months), we can see if a boy or girl (but harder to see of course). 
  • Week 12: Baby's fingernails develop. That is ONLY first trimester. 
I didn't make this up, I found all these details on the Mayo Clinic website. Interesting enough, at week 6 they stop calling it a fetus and switch to calling it a baby! WHY? "Just four weeks after conception, the neural tube along your baby's back is closing and your baby's heart is pumping blood." HMMMM....heart is beating...

Why would anyone think it's okay to kill that life (call it a baby or a fetus, I don't care). Biologically speaking only...alive means one thing = life. Why would it be OKAY for anyone to kill? Just because you can't see that life? Just because the fetus can't live outside of the womb? Killing is killing no matter how you put it. No matter how popular it is.  For those that say this is a religious perspective, no, this is not about a Bible this is very simple it's simple Biology.

Still not convinced?  Watch this video and see people finish this sentence, "Killing a baby in the womb is okay when..."

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Catholic Bloggers Unite!

I am now a new contributor to the new Catholic Bloggers Network.  If you haven't had a chance to visit, please do.  A group of Catholic bloggers from all walks of life are contributing and participating in this endeavor.  

It is really a neat concept there are weekly round ups, content shares, an online Facebook community, a Blog Academy where you can learn neat tips and even a place to link up items you are selling in the Catholic Shoppe.  

Here is the mission of the group:
In acknowledgment of the Vatican's strong interest to embrace social media for evangelization, this Catholic Bloggers Network was created to enhance communication of Catholic social media users. Here Catholic bloggers can connect and share efforts to bring the Catholic faith into the social media discourse. By creating this webpage directory of Catholic bloggers and connecting the online portals they use, our Catholic community grows larger. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

And now a group of bloggers are getting together to have a colossal give away.  So if you are a blogger and want to participate in this, here are the details:


The First EVER
Catholic Bloggers' Colossal Share-a-Thon (&; Giveaway) 
An opportunity for all of our Catholic Bloggers to
share and promote their Catholic products,
receive new followers and discover new Catholic blogs
...and to WIN awesome prizes!

All Catholic Bloggers are invited to participate...
small entry fees will be collected from Bloggers who want to participate
(and receive new followers) but don't sell Catholic products through their blogs. 
The cash collected will comprise the cash giveaways!

Lots of prizes, lots of chances to win and lots of winners!

Just fill out the form below and hit the 'submit' button...
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Catholic Bloggers' Colossal Share-a-Thon!

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The GIVEAWAY will be live for 2 weeks
and ANYONE can enter to WIN!