I've always wanted to create covers for the children's composition books. We love composition books, I always buy them when they are $.50 a piece and love how sturdy they are. The ones that are fancier are more expensive and with five children buying those are not possible and keeping within our budget. So I decided I'd create some for my children instead. Of course, I want to share them with others. I've already shared them with Facebook friends.
I printed two per page, cut them, and used simple school glue to glue them down. I might put a line of tape all around the edges if I see them start to turn up but I don't think it will be much of a problem. Here is what they look like:
The children are very excited to have pretty covers over their composition books and finding the right book will be a simple task. If you are interested in downloading them here they are:
Composition Book Personalized Covers.
Mama Erika