Catholic Schoolhouse at Home

Saturday, April 28, 2012

First Confession Prep: An Act of Contrition {free printable}

Do you have a little one receiving Sacraments this year?  We do, two actually!  Our eldest is doing Confirmation and our second son is preparing for First Communion and First Confession this year!  I'm so excited for him, he's got all his prayers down except the Act of Contrition.  He is an auditory learner but with this one he just can't get it right.  SO, I made a pictograph poster for him to practice with.  Of course, I'm sharing it with my dear RLS friends! :)

A made a PDF file and a PowerPoint Presentation of it.  Enjoy and feel free to pass it around to others.

Click  HERE  for the Act of Contrition printable PDF.

Act of Contrition


  1. Thanks, Erika, this is great!

  2. You've thought of everything, haven't you?! Thanks!

    ~Mrs Mees

  3. my oldest son had his first confession yesterday. They did not learn the Act of Contrition in class, Confession is not stressed to much and dying out. Sad. We will take time, but with your permission, I will print it and translate it into German.

  4. "Education in the faith *by the parents* should begin in the child's earliest years...*Parents* have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God." (CCC 2226). Cassandra, please don't be too hard on teachers. It's *our* job as parents to teach our kids the AOC; it is not the kids' job to learn it in class.
