Catholic Schoolhouse at Home

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Holy Week: Our Journey {Free Printable}

My beloved can tell you how much this has bugged me all Lent, it's been keeping me awak actually, lol.  I've been stirring because I felt like my kids weren't really ready for Holy Week and the Crucifixion and, of course, Easter!  Yes, we've been doing things all during Lent but I felt like now that they are almost 5 and 6, they needed something more. 

So I put this together (it took me some time to get it all together) for our classroom!  I am so proud of my kids because they were so into our lesson as we talked about the days of the week and our Holy Week Journey to Easter Sunday!  I really enjoyed making this and also loved its simplicity!

Here are some pictures of what it looks like:

The road has the days of the Holy Week on top, and the events at the bottom of the road...leading to the Resurrection.  At the bottom of this I moved our Stations of the Cross {I bought those here}

I took this opportunity to review the days of the weeks with the kids:

Here are two other looks from different angles:

Then we used our little kids Let's Climb Closer to Heaven {from our school room door} found at That Resource Site to walk the road through Holy Week (this was my six year old's idea):


  1.  Print all of these out on card stock. {this will get you to the free link} If you don't have cardstock, like me, then I would recommend that you laminate, I would recommend you do that so that you can save it to use in the future.
  2. Create a path, road, or something to that effect on a large paper to post in the room. Another option is to print these small and to make a file folder out of them and have each kid make their own to take home {more for CCD or school settings}
  3. Glue/tape the days of the week down first at the top of your path/road.
  4. As each day passes, read the Readings for that day and talk about these stories by using the events cards.
  5. I placed stations at the bottom. You can purchase these here:
  6. The little kids walking the path are from

 Please only use these at home or with your religious ed. classes (or co-ops).  This cannot be sold.  If you want to share it with others on your own blog, please link up to me but don't distribute it directly.  Thank you and I hope you can enjoy them as much as our family has!


***Don't forget to grab our new button {it's the one with the apple on the right column}  THANKS!  ***


  1. WOW! This looks great and it is a great visual for Holy Week leading up to Easter! Thank you for sharing such a meaningful activity on NOBH ! God bless and may you have a blessed Easter! BTW, I grabbed your button and it is on my left side bar in the blog scroll! :)

  2. Thank you so much for this! We made this last year, but somehow have lost the printables. Will you make them available again?
    Thank you, Holly

  3. Yes @Holly, they are still there:

    1. I'd love to access these, but am getting an error message. I've tried several different days, by clicking on the link in the above activity descripton and also by cutting and pasting the web address you posted in this response - I get an error message each time. Do you have suggestions for what I can do to access them? Thanks!

  4. I, too, cannot access your printable and would love to do so, Thanks!

    1. @Martianne, would you try again? I made it public instead of whomever with a link. :)

  5. I would also like to make this for my Catholic school classroom but can't access the link. Is it still available?

    1. @Anonymous, would you try again? I just made it public instead of "whomever with a link" and this should make it easier to access it?
