Catholic Schoolhouse at Home

Monday, April 25, 2011

PandaMania: Warning About This Catholic VBS {Vacation Bible School}

Before last summer began, I posted about doing a VBS at home called Summer Faith Adventure.  It is made/created by the same people that do Holy Heroes.  While it was a fantastic program that I could do at home with my children, I wished that my parish would have done something like it so that my children can have some interaction with other kids of the parish and our neighborhood (after all we live 2 minute away from our church).  Two Sundays ago I saw that they were already advertising the VBS for this year and I assumed that it was yet another non-Catholic program.  I was wrong!

I was so excited to hear that a Totally Catholic Summer Program {a Catholic VBS} will be used at our parish this year.  I have a little experience in VBS from many moons ago when a close friend and I ran the very first one at our parish in our college years.  At our parish level, I volunteered two summers ago in the kitchen.  Our job was to prepare the snacks that went with the theme of the day.  The other mom and I could not help it and we adjusted the snacks and lesson we were supposed to teach while creating the snacks with the kids to incorporate some Catholicism into the program {something we felt it was so desperately lacking in}.  So when I heard that Pandamania was a Catholic VBS, I was very excited!  {BIG SMILE}

I am not sure if I had anything to do with this change?  Maybe it was because after reading a post I saw about VBS product reviews over at Lacy's {CatholicIcing}, I forwarded it to our DRE so that she could see that there where other options available for our Catholic kids.  Maybe not...but I was so happy to hear and was already looking at my calendar to move things around to make sure the kids would attend {and I was ready to shoot an e-mail to her to volunteer once again.} 

That was until I started following a thread on a Catholic Homeschoolers Yahoo Group and I came to find out that this program has a major flaw!  Sigh...PLEASE, if you are thinking of sending your beautiful little blessings to a Pandamania VBS, you MUST read this blog post about it!  Kris, a Catholic homeschooler over at Education is a Science of Relation, did her research on this and has links available for everyone to see what she is talking about. {you don't have to take her word for it, just read what warning the Vatican has on Father Teilhard de Chardin} is really a shame that this program was presented to DREs as a good Catholic VBS!

There are so many others out there that could be used:
  1. CHC's Children's Retreats/VBS
  2. K4J Vacation Bible School 2011
  3. Growing with the Saints, Catholic VBS {Has four adventures to choose from}:

  • Assorted Saints & the Virtues of Faith, Hope & Love VBS
  • Saint Patrick and the Holy Trinity VBS
  • Parade Around the Father VBS
  • Parachute with the Angels Catholic VBS

4. Cat.Chat Catholic Vacation Bible School Programs {Has three themes to choose from}:
VBS#1: Cool Kingdom Party:  Mary Leads Me Closer to Jesus

  • VBS#2: Marvelous Mystery: The Mass Comes Alive
  • VBS#3: A Wilderness Adventure Through the Sacraments: Jesus in My Heart

Last, but not least {the one we WILL be using again this year}:

Their program is certainly wonderful.  I may just invite some friends to come over our house and do it together!  ;)

It is unfortunate that our kiddos will not be participating in our parish's Totally Catholic Summer Program, because...well because we can't go against the Holy See's warning and well...we work way too hard home educating our children to expose them to wrong theology. 

So please find out what program your parish is using.   Educate yourself!



  1. Please check out for a great real Catholic religious teaching VBS that is very economical and "green". Best teaching. Great music. Great skit, crafts, etc.

  2. Thanks for putting this together. This is my first year as a DRE, and knew I wanted a good, truly Catholic VBS. I'm looking into these programs, and am already getting excited about how much the children may be able to learn this summer!

  3. Growing with the Saints just came out with The Vatican Express and Parade around the Our Father. The writers are all catholic unlike OSV. There is a beautiful childrens' adoration as well. Although OSV states on their web that they are totally catholic this is not true. They have always partnered with a Protestant company called Group who writes all their programs and adds catholic sidebars. If you go to the Group publishing VBS you will see Pandamonia as well. Growing with the Saints has revamped all their music and added a action song DVD as well. We have used their programs for 6 years. The programs are so good that our school uses them to jump start religion classes as well as ccd classes.
